“Project Breadcrumb”

So to get started with my new blog, I’m going to write and share about a very special project my friends and I have been working on since early August 2014. Some who are close to me already know about it and have probably been apart of the read-through’s we’ve hosted to test out the script. My best friend, David Greenberg, (Composer, fellow dreamer, motivator, and Jew-Talian supreme) has dubbed it “Project Breadcrumb” and I think it fits perfectly. As I go along with this blog, you shall read about this project and I only hope in the future you readers out there can supply some great motivation for me and my friends and some helpful support when the time comes to get it standing on its own two legs.


Okay, okay! So, back in August 2014, when I was down in my college town of Lynchburg, VA to clean out my things and move back to Ohio (Yuck!), I was staying with friends. We began to think about doing our own show. Not just a show, but our own musical! We did pursue degrees in the Theatre department, so of course we wanted to, duhhhh. Immediately I started dumping all my stored ideas and files from from my mind on what we could possibly try to create. One idea that I favored the most though was one for a Hansel and Gretel musical. Now, I know what some might think, “Sam, that’s already an opera you big stupid dumb dumb man!”. Well let me FINISH!…

The musical its self isn’t entirely about Hansel and Gretel. I mean, yes, they’re the main characters and there’s their Father and the Witch that tries to eat them, BUTTTT believe me when I say that this well known fairy tale is spun in a crazy, hilarious, different direction.


I don’t want to give away a whole lot just yet. I want to keep you readers hungry for more (Nom! Nom! Nom!). But let me entice you with just a bit more. Imagine, if you will, a perfectly good book of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and children’s stories that is suddenly taken and ripped apart. It’s pages fly everywhere and intermingle with one another. None of the stories make sense and now characters and tales are intertwining, creating new paths and endings while erasing the old ones. Let’s just say that because of this, Hansel and Gretel set out on a ridiculous and life changing adventure to collect the story pages and fix the tales again.

What do you think? Yay? Nay? Maybe? Of course more will come on this, but I know my passion for this project is there. I have so much already designed for “Project Breadcrumb” and the characters are popping out of me like crazy. Please be prepared to stay tuned for a lot more on this mission me and my friends are on. It’s sort of become a dream of mine and I want to see it through. Lots of fun on the way and here’s some concept art to feed the flames of your soon to be fandom!

Featured imageNorma Bakes- The Witch

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