Is this thing on?…

I’m Samuel Robert Van Fossen and no, I don’t have a trust fund. If you read or follow this blog you will discover that the right side of my brain never shuts up with ideas, stories, characters, songs, acting and what not… Though some would think this might not sound like a problem, I find that at times it can be a bit frustrating. Especially when the world doesn’t see and imagine what you do. Yet, I still thank God every day for the imagination He blessed me with and where it takes me. If this sounds like your kind of blog then stay, sit back (If you want) and listen to me blab. Love you!



The nutcase who blogs here

Look at me!! I’m blogging! I’M BLOGGING! Welcome to all you bored and lost, to my blog: The Curse of Imagination. Let me outline a simple walk through of what you can expect from this blog if you were to stick around and follow.

Reading the babbling’s of a man child

As you might have read in my description, I have a very overactive imagination. I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging about it, but it’s the one thing that I do truly treasure about myself. I also, at times, do find it as a curse only because everyday I have a new idea. It can be a small story, a simple character, just one little dialogue line, a catchy tune, a developed image, etc. And from there i’m forced to set it on a already overcrowded shelf in my mind that gets covered in mind dust and cobwebs. It calls out to me and distracts until I have time to even try and release it. Isn’t that sad!? But fear not! that’s kind of what this blog is for. To illustrate and share with you my ideas and what-not’s so that I can see them develop and get some feedback from ya’ll. No longer will I have to bug my close friends who block my calls and messages. Or talk to myself who i’m giving the silent treatment at the moment because HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID!!!… Ahem… Here’s what’s to come!


I draw… a lot. It’s kind of that basis of where I start my idea process. I see the character in my head and I have to set them free before I can even start developing their story. I love sharing my artwork and will plan on doing that. Just don’t steal it or I will hunt you down and do the unthinkable lol… Haha…. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Any who, You can follow me also on instagram to see my art: @therealsammyv


From children’s stories to scripts, I love to create worlds for people to enjoy almost as much as I do. I’ve always been a bit of a writer growing up just to get the ideas out of my head so I can make room for more, but ever since I discovered the wondrous world of theatre when I attended college, it opened another passion of storytelling. Not just acting, which is something else you can expect on here, but how playwrights can prepare a story to be told on a stage in front of an eager audience. The process makes me so giddy I just can’t stand it. And I have a lot of projects on the assembly line so expect that.


I graduated May 2014 from Liberty University with what is basically an overall degree in Art. I soon found out how worthless it can appear. Yet, I try to stay optimistic through prayer and through my loving family & friends, I will get out there and do the many things I want to do. It is hard to believe at times and it has taken its toll on me, but I find myself growing in patience and wisdom as I figure out my future and what God has planned for me. So be ready to hear about future adventures and also at times the walk I take in my faith with my Lord and Savior.


If you know me already, you’ll know I set a lot of projects for myself… A lot of projects. And what happens? They fall through. It hurts and stings and I curse horrible things towards my enemies, tare off my clothes and howl like a wildebeest at the moon. But I have discovered that i’m the one hurting myself and I need to be more constructive and plan accordingly. So I ask not only that you read about my status of certain projects, but keep me accountable and tell me to keep going. Unless it’s a horrible idea that will flop then just yell it, “For the love of ham! Stop, Sam! Stop!”.


I really don’t know what else to tell you. To be honest just expect the unexpected. I have so many ambitions, dreams, schemes, plans, diagrams, layouts, blueprints, napkins with messages written on them that I can’t read or understand that I could really just blog about anything. I only want to impact you and someone to say, “Huh… that’s neat.”.

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