Don’t Stop Believing – Part 2

Faith, trust, and lots and lots of coffee.

So in Part 1, I left some tips with you guys last time and shared with you what’s been going on in my life now. I’m a graduate, I got a job, saving up (if my loans would let me), and I’m creating goals for my self. And honestly, I thinks that’s the most important thing you can do when you’re very creative. If I didn’t, I’d go crazy (well, crazier). And once again, if things aren’t going as fast as you’d like them to, don’t be down on yourself about it or freak out. You’re talking to the expert on that; freaking out that is. You could ask some of my friends, because for a while I was going nuts that I wasn’t doing anything. It ate me up inside and left me feeling worthless. A little over the tops perhaps? Well here’s why…

Another tidbit about me for all you folks is that I’m not a patient person, whatsoever. I hate waiting with a passion! I can’t even wait for my food to heat up in the microwave sometimes. I pray about it a lot because of course God knows this about me and sometimes I think with the sense of humor our Lord can have, He likes to make me wait on certain paths in my life on purpose. Not because He’s vindictive or cruel, but because He knows I need patience in order to grow. A certain favorite professor of mine also helped me realize that as well and quite recently. It’s the same thing every time, whether when I was still in school or after graduation when visiting the theatre department, I’d walk into his office while going on and on about the things I wanted to do in life. Not happy and telling him how worried I was that none of them were happening. And as the fool I can be, I’d wait there hoping in the back of my mind that he’d have some hidden secret for me to instantly accomplish my dreams. But what he had, had been what I needed and that was advice. And like always, I took that wise advice from that wise professor and went out and applied it to my life (as best as I could).

Tell us the advice, heathen!!!

The advice was basically be patient, work hard, and don’t doubt yourself, which is another huge issue I deal with. I’ll create an idea in my head and I’ll start working on it, but then as I’m working on it, little doubt-mites come crawling out of the crevices of my mind and begin to tell me things such as:

  • “It isn’t a good idea!”
  • “It’s not as good as another idea!”
  • “No ones going to like it!”
  • “You’re not good enough for this idea!”
  • “You’d be a success right now if you were good!”
  • “Ben Affleck won’t be a good Batman and DC will fail!”
  • “Hillary 2016!”

And that would throw me off so much so that I’d scrap the idea and create this never-ending cycle of not accomplishing anything. It can be very disconcerting, but don’t let it be! Get out that doubt-mite repellent and nuke the little suckers. Take a chance, go out on a limb! I think when you have an imagination and you see a different world than everyone else, you have to take risks just to show everyone what you’re seeing. And if that idea fails then throw out another and then another and another until one sticks! Ultimately take this away from my blog today: “You are your own worst enemy.”. Do you know how true that quote can be? I have been my own worst enemy most of my life. All of the doubt, the procrastination, being stubborn; that has hindered me so many times and I thank God that I am old enough to acknowledge it and strive to correct it as I battle for the things I want in life. And I encourage you to do the same! 

Right now I’ve got “Project Breadcrumb” (read about it in the projects menu) that I’m working on with close friends and that’s been an ongoing thing. This August it will have been a year since we began that project and though it’s ate me up inside to wait that long to finish it and hopefully start it, it’s been such an encouraging and impacting travel and I look forward to discuss more about it. Also, I want to start a short series of comic strips called “Fairy Funny Tales” that I hope to be sharing with you soon. And I’m currently working on a web series called “Box Boy” that we’re in the midst of production with. I have all of these things going on while working a full-time job and saving up for bigger and better things.


you braggin’ or something?

No, I’m not! I’m just saying if I can do it, you can do it! Take risks, make plans, work hard, create a strategy, execute it and don’t stop until something you created sticks or until you have the dream you want. I don’t have that yet, but I’m not waiting around hoping it will fall in my lap. It’ll be hard and disconcerting at times, but keep on pushing for it. And remember, you might be pushing for one thing, but will actually achieve something else and you might be even happier with it. A step is a step, don’t be happy about it. The future is an endless abyss of possibilities, but you won’t see through it just sitting around. Go for it!

*Audience Applauds*

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